✨cpb sunscreen is really a lifetime promotion✨ I have used two cpb sunscreens. I used a small branch-shaped new sunscreen before. It works very well. I ran out of it all. I have been using it all summer. This time I bought a new anti-aging sunscreen [pictured] I bought the Japanese version. I have been using it for more than a week. The overall feeling is also very like. Tell me your experience. ✨This sunscreen is said to have anti-aging effects. It can also promote collagen production while preventing aging. Restore skin elasticity. Does it feel special? Hahaha. But doing a good job of sunscreen itself is very helpful to fight skin aging. ✨The packaging is still very consistent cpb style. White with gold. Simple and big-name style. like. The outlet is designed to control the volume very well. Don't worry about squeezing out too much at one time. ✨Sun protection factor spf50 pa++++. Awesome ✨The texture is light pink and creamy. It will be thicker than lotion. But it is easy to push away. The face is also very moisturizing and moisturizing. It will not stick to the powder, will not die, and will not rub mud. I think I will always repurchase their base makeup and sunscreen in my life. It really suits me! q Finally, I want to say that sunscreen is very important, very important, very important. Be sure to wear sunscreen all year round. Ultraviolet rays are everywhere. Girls must be good to themselves.
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yami_featured_image ✨cpb防晒真的一生推✨ 用过两款cpb防晒.之前用的是小支状新款的润色防晒.很好用。我竟然一整支用光了。整个夏天都在用它.这次呢新购入了抗老防晒【如图】我买的是日版.用了有一周多了。总体感觉也很喜欢.说说心得. ✨这款防晒霜据说有抗老的效果.防止老化的同时还能促进胶原蛋白的产生.恢复肌肤弹力.感觉是不是特别牛?哈哈哈.不过做好防晒工作本身就是对抗皮肤衰老很有帮助. ✨包装还是很一贯的cpb风格.白陪金.简约又大牌风。喜欢。出口的设计很好控制量。不用担心一次性挤出来太多. ✨防晒系数spf50 pa++++.超赞 ✨质地是淡淡粉色乳爽状.比乳液会更厚重一点。但是很好推开.上脸也很保湿和水润.不会卡粉不会死白不会搓泥.我上完防晒再配合cpb的隔离,整个气色一下子就提升了. 我觉得我这辈子应该是会一直回购它们的底妆和防晒.真的是太太太太适合我了!q最后想说防晒很重要很重要很重要.一定要一年四季都得涂防晒.紫外线可是无处不在哟.女生一定要对自己好一点.