Lao Yang Salted Egg Yolk Cake 🚩 Specialty coordinates: Taiwan It is a blessing to be able to eat the taste of hometown abroad ❤️ ❤️My name is Lao Yang Salted Egg Yolk Cake ❤️As the name suggests, it tastes like salted egg yolk ❤️Crispy and crunchy, that's me ❤️Mild salty taste with a hint of sweetness ❤️Love it very much Recommend 👍 I love this salted egg yolk cake. It's not salty, not too sweet, not too greasy, and not too complicated. It's salted egg yolk 😁😁
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yami_featured_image 老杨咸蛋黄饼 🚩特产坐标:台湾 在国外可以吃到家乡的味道是一种幸福❤️ ❤️我的名字叫老杨咸蛋黄饼 ❤️人如其名 就是咸蛋黄味 ❤️酥酥脆脆 就是我 ❤️淡淡的咸味里透着一股甜味 ❤️非常喜欢 推荐👍 超爱这款咸蛋黄饼 不咸不淡 不甜不腻 没有太多复杂味道 就是咸蛋黄😁😁