【Repurchase order】 My favorite cucumber-flavored potato chips are replenished and stock up quickly, so don’t be afraid to watch movies without snacks~ Mushroom sauce is a must for dumplings. The Orleans flavor I bought last time was eaten in a few meals. This time I repurchased the original flavor. The medicated hot pot has been repurchased countless times. It is a must for stewed chicken and stewed duck ribs. Add fans, and it is delicious~ Finally, sunscreen is a piece of cake...  
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【回购单】 最爱的黄瓜味薯片补货赶紧囤一波,看电影不怕没零食啦~ 香菇酱吃饺子必备,上次买的奥尔良口味,没几顿就吃完了,这次回购个原味的(出国太久已经快忘记家的味道了……) 药膳火锅已回购无数次,炖鸡炖鸭顿排骨必备,加粉丝,美滋滋~ 最后,防晒是凑单使的………