
[Highly recommended medicine jar - all kinds of non-prescription drugs 💊 - Issue 2⃣]

As the saying goes, a long illness becomes a doctor [I really don’t mean myself😂]. After coming to the United States, I found out that it was really difficult to buy medicine. Because of the unfamiliarity with the medicine and the high cost of seeing a doctor in the United States, many old students who came to the United States learned An instinct! Introduce below Over-the-counter drugs are always available at home Phase II, please take a small notebook and take notes carefully!

1⃣: Aleve

Main features Pain relief, fever relief, anti-inflammatory , general non-bacterial infection Inflammation and pain caused by it can be easily resolved, including mild bronchitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, sprains and other minor joint and muscle pain. Precautions: Not suitable for people with gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal and renal function. 【Rental for some reason I don’t know, my husband prefers this one😒😒】

2⃣: Preparation H 
Preparation H is available in Ointment (cream) and Suppositories (suppositories), which work the same way and are both used to relieve hemorrhoid discomfort such as itching, swelling, burning, and to help shrink the hemorrhoid area. There are also Medicated Wipes (medicated wipes), which have a soothing effect in addition to cleansing. The bag is recommended for patients with hemorrhoids.

3⃣: Diphenhydramine

The main function is to treat motion sickness such as allergic urticaria, skin itching, seasickness, motion sickness, and plane sickness. It's easy to feel sleepy after eating! Please pay attention, don't delay things because of adverse reactions. Recommended brand: Benadryl

4⃣: Breathe Right Nasal Patch

Breathe Right nasal patch, for those who snore, this ventilation nasal patch is very effective [haha my husband is using it]! Tear off the sticker, the operation is very easy!

5⃣: ThermaCare Warming Stickers
ThermaCare Warming Patch is very, very effective for relieving dysmenorrhea! ! I personally test! ! Can be used all year round! !

The above are the recommendations of this issue, welcome newcomers to ask me questions!

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俗话说久病成医【真不是说我自己😂】,来美以后发现买药真的是个很为难的事,因为对药物的不熟悉和美国看医生的昂贵,让许多来美老生练就了一身本能!下面介绍 家中常备非处方药第二期,请大家拿好小本本认真做好笔记哟!

1⃣: Aleve

主要功能 止痛、退烧、消炎 ,一般 非细菌感染 引起的发炎疼痛都能轻松解决,包括轻微的支气管炎、扁桃腺炎、关节炎,扭伤等较小的关节和肌肉疼痛。注意事项:胃溃疡、胃肠及肾脏功能较差的人不适用。【出租某种我不知道的原因,我老公比较偏爱这个😒😒】

2⃣: Preparation H 
Preparation H 有 Ointment(乳膏)和 Suppositories(塞剂)两种不同类型型,作用相同,都是用来减缓痔疮不适症状,例如搔痒、肿胀、灼痛,并帮助缩小痔疮患部。还有Medicated Wipes(药用湿巾),除了清洁之外还有舒缓不适的作用。痔疮患者包包推荐使用。

3⃣: Diphenhydramine

主要功能为治疗过敏性荨麻疹、皮肤瘙痒、晕船、晕车、晕飞机等晕动病。吃了以后很容易犯困!大家注意一下,别因为不良反应耽误事情。 推荐品牌:Benadryl

4⃣: Breathe Right通气鼻贴

Breathe Right通气鼻贴,对于打呼噜的人,这个通气鼻贴非常的有效【哈哈我老公在用】!撕开贴上,操作容易的很!

5⃣: ThermaCare暖宫贴
