Finally got the New Orleans Grilled Wing Marinade! The directions say one bag can marinate 2.5 pounds of chicken wings. I marinated about 1.5 pounds of chicken wings, put in the marinade, do not add water, add ginger slices, and a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, marinate for a day. Bake at 380 degrees for 30 minutes, and turn over every 15 minutes. If there is honey, it will taste better when it is almost baked. I may have put a little more powder, but it is very tasty and the taste is super! The taste is even more perfect with honey! I will stock up on 10 packs next time!
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终于买到新奥尔良烤翅腌料啦! 说明上说一袋可以腌制2.5磅的鸡翅。 我大概腌制了1.5磅左右的鸡翅,放入腌料,不要加水,放入姜片,和一点点料酒去腥,腌制一天。 380度烤制30分钟,15分钟翻一次面,如果有蜂蜜的话,在快烤好的时候刷一点蜂蜜味道会更好哦! 我可能粉放多了一点点,但是很入味,味道超级好!有蜂蜜的话,味道会更加完美! 下次会囤个10包!