🌟 Turtle Cream 🌟 How can there be less tortoise paste at home in summer? Our whole family loves this original tortoise paste. We bought it from the supermarket before, but I don't know that Yami even has it? Next time, I will study Yami's various snacks, so as not to miss it hahaha 😂 There are many benefits of Turtle Cream! It is made from multi-flavored Chinese herbal medicines and has been eaten as a medicinal diet for a long time! Eating it can promote metabolism, clear heat and reduce fire, moisten the lungs and relieve cough It can also beautify the skin and nourish the yin and kidney. Sore throat, hemorrhoids, prickly heat and constipation and other diseases can also play a role in improving. Guiling paste contains a variety of active polysaccharides and amino acids, which have the characteristics of low calorie, low fat and low cholesterol, and can regulate blood lipids and blood sugar. There are many flavors of Guiling paste, and the original flavor is the most eaten in our family. The original Guiling paste is slightly bitter, but with honey, coconut milk, condensed milk, or some fruit, it will taste much better! Our family repurchase for a long time ❤️
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yami_featured_image 🌟龟苓膏🌟 夏天家里怎么可以少得了龟苓膏? 我们全家都好喜欢这款原味龟苓膏,之前都是从超市买,不知道亚米竟然也有?下次要好好研究一下亚米的各种零食,这样才不至于错过哈哈哈😂 龟苓膏的好处多多!它由多味中草药熬制而成,很早以前就被人们当作药膳来食用! 吃了能够促进新陈代谢、清热降火、润肺止咳 还能美容养颜和滋阴补肾。 嗓子疼、痔疮、痱子和便秘等病吃它也能起到一定的改善作用。 龟苓膏中含有多种活性多糖和氨基酸,具有低热量、低脂肪、低胆固醇的特点,能够调节血脂和血糖。 龟苓膏的口味有很多种,我们家吃得最多的是原味 原味的龟苓膏略苦,配点蜂蜜、椰汁、炼乳,或加点水果,就会好吃得多! 我们家长期回购❤️