Mianyang Rice Noodles: I tried the newly bought rice noodles, carrots and chicken are leftovers... I added the mustard... The taste is really good, the spiciness is just right for me, not particularly spicy, I feel that it is a fast food in a hurry The taste is ok, and it is very quick to soak. It can be eaten in five minutes. It is very suitable for eating when rushing to class and due. I've eaten another Yami before and forgot what vermicelli. It's also this kind of quick-soak. I really don't want to eat it again after eating a bag. I don't want to eat it even if it's convenient, so this should be considered as a convenience vermicelli. The best taste. But it can't compare with the hot and sour noodles with snail noodles (the kind to be boiled), I personally think that the boiled noodles that are not instant food are delicious. To me, turkey noodles and xinla seem to be bought every time, just in case one day I suddenly want to eat it, or one day I don’t know what to eat, I can take it out to deal with it. This sweet potato vermicelli has been bought many times. It is delicious whether it is used to make ants on a tree or boiled noodles. After the noodles are soaked, it is quite full, with good toughness and good taste. Orion and Want Want Senbei are both snacks that can satisfy hunger, and can be brought to the classroom when it is too late to eat breakfast. Survival is tough, thanks Yami.
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绵阳米粉: 试了一下新买的米粉,胡萝卜和鸡肉是剩菜……榨菜自己加的……味道确实还不错,辣度对我来说刚刚好,不会特别辣,感觉作为赶时间的速食来说味道还可以,也挺快泡发好的,五分钟就能吃上了,挺适合日常赶上课赶due的时候吃。 之前吃过另一款亚米的忘了什么粉丝,也是这种快泡的,真的吃了一包再也不想吃了,就算方便也不想吃了,所以这个应该算是方便粉丝里我吃过味道最好的。但是跟螺蛳粉酸辣粉(要煮的那种)比不了,个人认为还是非速食的煮粉好吃。 火鸡面和辛拉面对我来说好像是每次都要买点,以防哪天突然想吃,或者是哪天不知道吃什么的时候可以拿出来应付一下。 这款红薯粉条买了好多次了,不管是做蚂蚁上树还是做煮粉都很好吃,粉泡发之后还挺管饱的,韧性很足,口感不错。 好丽友和旺旺仙贝都是又可以当充饥的小零食,又可以在来不及吃早餐的时候带去课室方便课间吃的。 生存艰难,感谢亚米。