First taste of Japanese Kumamoto black sesame oil tonkotsu ramen

This Issue🍜

--Highlights Summary

--Packaging and seasoning packs

--Simple and time-saving tool

--How does it taste? dry mouth? Serving Size

💡Let's briefly talk about the highlight of this noodle: it tastes good | Noodles are not fried | Very easy and fast to make | No MSG so no thirst.

I tried this ramen for the first time because of Amway. The outer packaging is as shown above. There are only two packs of Kumamoto noodles, one pack of black sesame oil and one pack of soup packs, very simple. Because it's packaged in a serving size for two, each dressing can be split in two.

The practice is really simple and fast (for one serving as an example):1.500g water Boil; 2. Put one pack of each of the two seasonings; 3. Put the noodles and cook for three minutes before eating

It tastes good, pure and strong Japanese ramen flavor. The key is that I think and! Do not! mouth! thirsty! It is said that because there is no MSG in it, it is quite a surprise, and the experience is great. The only thing is that one person is a bit small for me, how can I eat enough? ? It is recommended to add ingredients, such as simple ham, barbecued pork and vegetables.

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💡先简单粗暴的说说这款面的亮点:味道不错 | 面条非油炸 | 做起来非常方便快速 | 号称没味精所以不口渴。


做法真心非常简单快速(一人份为例):1.500克水烧开;2. 放入两种调料各一包;3. 放面煮三分钟后就可以吃了

