
How to take care of your skin on a long-haul flight? Share the list of must-haves on the plane

It takes more than ten hours for a flight to return home. The fatigue of a long-distance flight cannot be described in a few words. The humidity in the cabin is low, especially dry, and the intensity of ultraviolet rays at high altitudes is high, so it is particularly important to do a good job of moisturizing and sun protection on the plane.

How to minimize travel fatigue, please accept this list of must-haves for flying ʕ• 0 span0•ʔ


1. Lazy Mask

SaborinoGood morning mask is affordable and easy to use, only need60 Cleansing in seconds+Maintaining and moisturizing+Makeup is done in one step! Due to the limited space and cabin environment on the plane, my quest was to find a simple and versatile skin care method, and this morning mask is simply a blessing for long-distance travel. The fragrance of natural fruit, gently tap after application to allow the skin to fully absorb the essence. Orange oil, avocado fruit extract, hyaluronic acid, and more hydrate!


2. Lip Balm

My go-to must-have, in short, no matter where I go, there must be a lip balm in my bag, and it is really dry on the plane, so the moisturizing of the lips should not be neglected. Brown Sugar Lip Balm is one ofFresh's best-selling products, containing moisturizing brown sugar, moisturizing natural oils, anti-aging Oxidized polyphenols, etc., can moisturize and care for the lip skin. Moisturizes up to 6hours, a lifesaver for dry lips!


3. Hand Cream

It is a must for all seasons, and you can bring smaller ones on the plane. Crabtree's hand cream was on sale at the price of cabbage, so I stocked up a lot. The feeling of use is also very good, and it absorbs quickly and is not greasy.


4. Steam Eye Mask

It only takes 10minutes to give the eyes a full range SPA, relieves dry and tired eyes. It is super convenient to carry around, you can take it with you on the plane when you return to China to relieve the fatigue of long-distance travel, and it is also a sleep helper!


5. Hydrating Moisturizer

Be sure to keep moisturizing on the plane at all times, and keep spraying the moisturizing spray! The spray head is easier to use than Evian's spray, and the water sprayed out is particularly delicate, suitable for sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, conditioning and soothing skin. Because there are capacity restrictions on the plane, it is recommended to buy Evian's small bottle of spray.


We will continue to share with you in the next issue~

The lazy face mask and Kao steam eye mask in this article were purchased from Yamibuy!

Unlimited repurchase series~

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如何在最大程度上减轻旅行带来的疲惫感,请收下这份坐飞机必带清单 ʕ••ʔ


1. 懒人面膜



2. 润唇膏



3. 护手霜



4. 蒸汽眼罩



5. 补水保湿喷雾




