
Japanese curry rice that goes well with everyone

First up is Super quick potato and beef curry rice Soft potatoes and sweet carrots with juicy beef span>Pour over a spoonful of rich Japanese curry Who can stop Delicious like this?

Not much to say Let's take a look at this bowl that no one can resist Potato Beef Curry Rice🍛How to make it

Prepare the ingredients first

Brisket or beef  250g

Potato  1-2< span class="s1">pcs

Scallions  A little

Ginger  A little

Garlic  A little 

First cut carrots and potatoes into small pieces and set aside 

Then we will process the beef Beef with ginger and cooking wine Simple pickle with a little crushed black pepper 

Marinate for about 10-15minAfter that, put oil and carrots in a hot pan Saute the potatoes and stir fry until 7-8mature span>Add an appropriate amount of water to boil Add curry cubes after the water boils Cook until curry melts, then turn to low heat Continue to cook until the curry cubes are thick (I personally like the potatoes and carrots to be soft before turning off the heat But you You can decide the cooking time of the curry according to your favorite taste) < /p>

In addition to beef curry Curry and sausage are also very good And faster and more time-saving than curry beef 

Ingredients for Curry Onion Sausage Fried Rice





Cold meal

Curry cubes

Buy a pack of ham at a big supermarket like Walmartbakers I usually buy Add sausage to the amount you can eat Then prepare half or an onion Onion Sliced Sausage Sliced As shown below Add oil to the hot pot< /span> When the oil is hot, add the onion and sausage and saute until fragrant Fry evenly during the period Turn off the heat after frying

Open another pot of water After the water boils, put it in and cut it of potatoes and carrots Wait until the potatoes and carrots are soft and add the curry cubes Boil for about 5-10minutes and the curry will thicken< /span> 

Then open a clean wok Heat the wok with oil Pour in the cold rice and stir fry evenly Stir fry until the cold rice slowly disperses, add onion and sausage and continue to stir fry for a while Then add a spoon or two and cook it well Continue to fry the rich curry until fragrant Fry until you like the humidity and turn off the heat Those who don't want to put the curry in the wok can also pour the cooked curry directly on top of the fried rice and onion sausage to eat  

I can eat two plates haha 

👇🏻This is the home brand I always use I like the original flavor This curry is highly recommended I personally like the taste of it very much Except for the curry itself with added In addition to boiling water You can also add some milk when boiling the curry This will make the curry more smooth and delicate then You can also add chocolate to try a different flavor haha I personally like to use dark chocolate Curry cooked in chocolate will darken in color and I think it tastes better if eaten overnight😋< /span> This curry yami is available!

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首先登场的是 超快手的土豆牛肉咖喱饭 软糯的土豆和香甜的红萝卜配上鲜嫩多汁的牛肉 再浇上满满的一勺浓郁的日式咖喱 谁能阻挡这样的美味?

话不多说 让我们看下这碗无人可以抗拒的土豆牛肉咖喱饭🍛要怎么做吧


牛腩肉或者牛肉  250g

土豆  1-2





然后我们来处理牛肉 牛肉加入姜丝和料酒 少许黑胡椒碎简单腌制一下 

腌制大概10-15min之后热锅下油和红萝卜和土豆一起爆香翻炒至7-8成熟左右 加入适量清水煮沸 水沸后加入咖喱块 煮至咖喱块融化之后转小火 继续熬到咖喱块浓稠即可(我个人喜欢土豆红萝卜都软烂了才关火 但是你们可以按照自己喜欢的口感来决定咖喱的熬煮时间哦) 

除了咖喱牛肉 咖喱和香肠也是非常的搭哦 而且比咖喱牛肉更加快手省时哦 








在沃尔玛bakers之类的大超市买一包火腿 我一般都是买 香肠加到你够吃的量 然后准备半个或者一个洋葱 洋葱切条 香肠切小块 如下图所示 热锅加油 等油热了之后加入洋葱和香肠爆香 期间翻炒均匀 炒熟之后关火备用

另开一锅煲一锅水 水开后放入切好的土豆和胡萝卜 等到土豆和胡萝卜熬到软之后加入咖喱块 熬大概5-10分钟咖喱就会变浓稠 

然后开一个干净的炒锅 热锅下油 把冷饭倒进去炒均匀 炒到冷饭慢慢散开后加入洋葱和香肠继续翻炒片刻 然后勺入一两勺熬好的浓郁咖喱继续炒香 炒至你喜欢的湿度关火装盘即可 不想把咖喱放炒锅里的小伙伴也可以把熬好的咖喱直接淋在炒好的饭和洋葱香肠上面吃哦 


👇🏻这是我一直以来用的家里牌子 我喜欢原味的 非常推荐这款咖喱 我个人非常喜欢它的味道 除了咖喱本身加清水熬煮之外 小伙伴们还可以在熬咖喱的时候加入适量牛奶 这样会使咖喱更加的顺滑细腻 然后也可以加入巧克力尝试一下不一样的味道哈哈 我个人喜欢用黑巧克力 用巧克力熬过的咖喱颜色会变深而且我觉得隔夜再食用的口感更佳哦😋 这款咖喱亚米有售哦!