I just found out that Yami has placed a lot of orders not long ago, and I really have everything! Especially the mask, I bought more than 70 pieces in one go, and I can't stop one every day. I have used up a lot! My favorite is the green pills from dr.jart. This first aid mask from Mandan and Lululun is also very good. The mask paper is very soft and the rest of the moisturizing effect is also very good. For me, I hardly stepped on the thunder! Moreover, masks and various skin care products can be discounted from time to time, and I can't stop buying and buying. This frying pan and pan is also very easy to use, heat conduction is good, non-stick pan is super practical! It has inspired my infinite enthusiasm for cooking 😂 I have studied a lot of new dishes in just three days!
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刚知道亚米没多久就下了好多单 真的是应有尽有了!尤其是面膜 一口气买了70多片 每天一片根本停不下来 已经用掉了一大堆!最喜欢的还是dr.jart的绿药丸 曼丹和lululun的这款急救面膜也很不错 面膜纸很柔软 剩下的补水效果也都很好 对我来说几乎没有踩雷的! 而且面膜和各种护肤品时不时就能碰上打折活动 根本停不下买买买的手 这个炒锅和平底锅也很好用 导热好 不粘锅 超级实用!激发了我做饭的无限热情😂 刚到三天就研究了好多新菜式!