Yuan Xian Spicy Red Oil! Mix cold vegetables! My sauce contains: Yipin fresh soy sauce, white vinegar, sugar, chicken essence or monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, red oil, perfect! Add shallots, fried peanuts, and fried peppers according to your own taste, it is more fragrant! Better than the Sichuan restaurant outside! With Yami, I don't want to be home! Mixing lotus root slices is very simple, blanch them in hot water, remove them and let them cool, mix them directly according to this sauce, soak them a little and taste delicious, as is the cold chicken shreds!
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袁鲜麻辣红油!拌凉菜! 我的酱汁里面有:一品鲜酱油,白醋,白糖,鸡精或者味精,料酒,加红油,完美!根据自己口味加青葱,炸花生,炸辣椒,更香了!完胜外面的川菜馆!有亚米,不想家! 拌藕片很简单,热水焯烫一下捞出过凉,按这个酱汁调好了直接拌一下,稍微泡一泡味道进去了很好吃,凉拌鸡丝也一样!