I just bought some fresh vegetables from Kroger this afternoon. I didn’t expect my snack and sauce collection package to be waiting for me at the door. I can’t wait to open the box right away. Happiness~ All kinds of instant noodles are naturally an indispensable daily supply for international students Personally, I especially like red bean paste and red dates. This first attempt was a great success! Red bean paste can be added to the middle of the bread after a bite, add some fruit or something, it's perfect I finally got the chili and it's even more perfect when I put it in the pot In addition to these in the picture, I also bought maocai and mushroom sauce, fish-flavored eggplant sauce and tempeh chicken sauce. My current cooking level is still a level that needs the support of Lee Kum Kee and Lao Gan Ma~ The first time Yami opened the box, there was a feeling of super happiness 今天也要好好吃饭 Take care of yourself
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今天下午刚从Kroger买了些新鲜的蔬菜回来 没想到我的零食酱料合集大礼包已经在家门口等我了 迫不及待马上开箱 幸福~ 各种泡面自然是留学生必不可少的日常补给 个人特别喜欢红豆沙和红枣 这次首次尝试也大获成功!红豆沙可以叮一下后加在面包中间 再加点水果什么的 非常完美 我终于买到了辣椒 这下炝锅的时候就更完美了 红油拌面酱 我买了特别多面 所以现在终于有办法把它吃掉了 除了图上这些还买了冒菜和香菇酱鱼香茄子酱和豆豉鸡酱 我目前的厨艺水平还是一个需要李锦记和老干妈共同扶持的水平~ 第一次亚米开箱有一种超级幸福的感觉 今天也要好好吃饭好好照顾自己哦