Taobao Holy Land--The Good Thing of Marshalls
MarshallsYesTJXGroup andTJ MaxxSimilar sister stores, I believe my friends in North America are all familiar with them. From clothing, bags, home furnishings to food, there is really everything, and a visit to Marshall really can meet all kinds of needs! Home at your doorstepMarshallsWhat a blessing!
Always heardMarshalls's yellow label legend, I finally saw it in the first two months! It is rumored that the yellow mark is the price that can't be lower.final markdownThere will be two times a year,1month and 7month.
Here's the spoils , 6.5knife'snine west's bow shoes, at this price, I can laugh just thinking about it!
Appears to be in < /span>MarshallsTo buy things all rely on Amoy, the red and yellow labels are often incomplete in size, if you can touch it, you will earn it!
It's okay to shop around, There are always new discoveries. Girls just like to stroll around. It seems that they have no harvest and they are very happy to stroll! 😂😂😂

Marshalls是TJX集团下的与T. J. Maxx相仿的姐妹店,相信北美的小伙伴们都是再熟悉不过的。从服饰,包包,家居到食品真是应有尽有,逛个Marshall真是能满足各种需求啦!家门口有家Marshalls真是再幸福不过的事啦!
一直听闻Marshalls的黄标传说,在前两个月总算见识到啦!传闻黄标就是价格低到不能再低的final markdown一年会有两次,1月和7月。
下面就是战利品,6.5刀的nine west的蝴蝶结鞋,这个价格,真是想想都能笑啊!