Bought both flavors, one spicy and one spicy. Then I added the ingredients myself. Konjac silk is definitely a must-have. QQ bombs are delicious with everyone, low-fat and no burden. Jixiangju kelp silk is not delicious, I threw it away after a few bites. This time I opened a bag and mixed it together and it was good. The man said that Weijute was delicious. He ate the noodles with a pack. Feel free to add tags to try. The last pot was the one I didn't finish. I mixed the two boxes together and added cabbage, taro, and black fungus. Originally wanted to add a kelp knot 😂 but forgot. The fungus is so tender and out of stock. I will stock up on it next time. I love this one-pot mess, it's so delicious. ❤️Yami can buy a lot of ingredients, and then find time to go to Yachao to buy some fresh lotus root and taro beef shabu-shabu. It's cold and I want to eat spicy hot pot.
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一麻一辣 两种口味都买了。 然后自己加了料 魔芋丝绝对是必备品 QQ弹弹的跟谁都入味 又低脂没有负担。 吉香居海带丝不好吃 之前吃几口扔了。这次开了一袋加到一起拌了还不错。男人说味聚特的好吃 他吃面配了一包。随意加了tag 可以试试。 最后一锅是后来没吃完的 两盒一起拌了又加了白菜 芋头 黑木耳。本来还想加海带结 😂给忘了。木耳好嫩 又没货了 下次要多囤货。 很喜欢这种一锅乱拌 太好味了。 ❤️亚米可以买到很多配料 再找个时间去亚超买点新鲜的莲藕芋头涮牛肉啥的 天冷好想吃麻辣香锅。