
It is necessary to visit this park near my house in the fall!

In the season of high autumn air and brilliant yellow leaves, it is necessary to visit this park near my home. The name of the park is Wilcox Park, Wilcox is a person's name, probably the name of the person who built the park.

First of all, I really like the wooden fence on the side of the road, very It's like walking on a country road! This path leads to the library, a place with a literary atmosphere! ❤️

In the park there is a small pond with a small fountain. Surrounding this pond are beautiful colors of red, yellow, orange, green and blue! Under the sunlight, it is beautiful.

I present another piece of Huawei that I bought when I had no money for more than 100 yuanP8In the photo taken, although there are no leaves on the branches, the big tree and the yellow grass are reflected in the water, which is still so beautiful!

Take a photo with a telephoto lens, it is colorful like a fairy tale, the water and the sky are the same color, I really sigh my HuaweiP8 span>, that's awesome! It is really pleasant to walk in such a wonderland in autumn!

On the edge of the grass and streams, there are orioles and deep trees, it should describe such a beautiful scenery! Lonely Youcao, look at the bunch of weeds standing in the water, swaying from side to side when the breeze blows, very comfortable and lazy!

The beauty of autumn should be accompanied by autumn dishes! This is my husband's potato lemon olive oil and some kind of grass roasted chicken that my husband made following the recipe! Making my husband cook is like the sun is rising from the west hahaha!

It's baked like this, I'm dying, I'm starving.

Although I have a knife and fork, I still need chopsticks to eat this chicken leg. It is served with chocolate milk, and it is also drunk. But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is to be happy! We just ate this dish to watch a movie, and it was quite moisturizing!

I wish you a happy autumn trip! 😁

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秋高气爽,黄叶灿灿的季节,很有必要来游览一下我家附近的这个公园。这公园名字叫Wilcox ParkWilcox是一个人名,估计是建造这个公园的人的名字吧。








