[Xiuyang Kitchen] Autumn Health Porridge Mung Bean Lily Porridge

Yami bought the mung bean, which has been repurchased countless times!

Very fragrant and delicious😋

Because the food in the United States is more popular, like burgers, fries, pizza, fried chickenEvery time I eat too much, I will feel a burden in my heart. In addition, I often cook hot pot myself, or eat it very spicy. So I often want to defeat the fire~


Mung bean clears heat and detoxifies! After eating hot pot barbecue, I feel very comfortable in a small bowl! !

Mung bean is cool in nature and sweet in taste. It can be used to quench summer heat and quench thirst.;Because It has the effect of diuretic and lowering qi, so drinking it after food or drug poisoning can also play the role of clearing toxins in the body, and also has certain curative effects on heat swelling, heat thirst, dysentery, carbuncle, pox, and rash. The heat-clearing power of mung beans lies in the skin and the detoxification power, so it is best to buy mung beans with the skin on.

Lily has said it before, let's say it again haha ~ Lily is dry and slightly cold, sweet, and has the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and clearing heat. Detoxifies, regulates the spleen and invigorates the stomach, relieves dampness and eliminates accumulation, calms the mind, and promotes blood circulation. Autumn is suitable for eating. Fresh lily stir-fry is also delicious, sweet~


In summer, I will cook rock candy mung beans and put them in the refrigerator to chill, and when I go out, I will drink two sips and I will feel refreshed.

In the fall, I cook porridge and drink, and eat a meal after eating hot food.

That's right, rice is good for qi. Some girls lose weight without eating rice or carbohydrates, and they are prone to problems. Eating a small amount is good for the body. Too much.


                          ;       Advanced🐑 Chef. 10.07.18

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【秀羊厨房】秋季养生粥 绿豆百合粥






绿豆性凉,味甘,平时喝可以消暑止渴;由于其具有利尿下气的功效,因此食物或药物中毒后喝,还能起到排清体内毒素的作用,对热肿、热渴、热痢、痈疽、痘毒、斑疹等也有一定的疗效。 绿豆的清热之力在皮,解毒之功在内,所以买带皮绿豆吃最好。

百合之前的晒单有说过,再说一次吧哈哈~百合干性微寒、味甘,有润肺、止咳、清热。 解毒、理脾健胃、利湿消积、宁心安神、促进血液循环等功效。秋季适合进食。新鲜的百合炒菜也好吃,甜甜的~





