Hot listings, some repurchases and new ones: Lao Yang's salted egg yolk cake is always available at home, and it is suitable for watching dramas to satisfy hunger. Jin ramen is a daily replenishment, one of my favorite instant noodles. Indonesian dry noodles and fried eggs go well together, the portion is not large, and it is a good choice for late-night snacks! This one is the most looking forward to the soul noodle 🙈 Eat it for breakfast tomorrow!
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热腾腾的晒单,一些回购和尝新: 老杨咸蛋黄饼家中常备,看剧充饥两相宜。 Jin拉面是日常补货,最爱泡面没有之一。 印尼干捞面和煎蛋超搭,分量不大,宵夜好选择! 这一单最期待勾魂米线🙈 明天早餐就吃它了!