Sparkling spicy beef jerky. A large piece of beef, cut into large pieces of medium thickness, soaked to remove blood, add salt, sugar, chili powder, pepper powder and soy sauce, grasp well, seal it and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for a day and night, add cooking oil and grasp it well, spread it on the grill, sprinkle with white sesame seeds , bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-45 minutes. Take it out and cut it to the size you like. Spicy, and then make a cup of milk tea. A must for drama. A must for the weekend. A must for afternoon tea. A must for party snacks. (1kg beef seasoning dosage: salt 5g, sugar 50g, chili powder 5g, pepper powder 5g, light soy sauce 50g, oil 20g, white sesame seeds, sprinkle vigorously) If you can’t finish it in three to five days, pack it in small portions and freeze it, and bake it in the oven before eating.
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闪闪发光的麻辣牛肉干。 一块大牛肉,切中等厚度的大片,浸泡去血水,加盐糖辣椒粉花椒粉生抽,抓匀,密封丢冰箱腌制一天一夜,加食用油抓匀,铺在烤架上,撒白芝麻,350华氏度烤40---45分钟。取出剪成自己喜欢大小。麻麻辣辣的,再泡一杯奶茶。追剧必备。周末必备。下午茶必备。聚会小食必备。(1kg牛肉调料用量:盐5g,糖50g,辣椒粉5g,花椒粉5g,生抽50g,油20g,白芝麻,使劲撒) 三五天吃不完的话,分小份打包冷冻,吃之前烤箱里再烤一下就好了。