Vegetables (agaric fungus, potatoes, cauliflower, beans and other favorite dishes) are boiled in water and cooked, and the meat dishes (chicken legs, chicken wings, shrimp, beef slices, bacon, ham, etc.) are fried. In another oil pan, fry the shallots, ginger, garlic, and onions. Add bell pepper, Sichuan pepper and sesame pepper, watercress, stir-fry red oil, add meat dishes, stir-fry, add vegetarian dishes, stir-fry, stir well, add half a small packet of spicy fragrant pot base (Wangjiadu has two packets in it, one time As long as half a small packet is enough, after all, there are watercress chili peppers in the front, which is better than the whole packet) stir well, sprinkle with coriander and cooked sesame seeds. Notice 1. The vegetables must be cooked in advance. Otherwise, a large pot will not be heated evenly, the vegetarian dishes will be rotten, and the meat dishes will not be cooked. American stoves don't work with fire. 2. Douban, Sichuan pepper and hemp pepper can not be less. Just enough to taste. 3. Although the seasoning package is fragrant, it will be very dry if you put too much, and it is easy to dry your mouth after eating. And the more I eat it, the more tasteless it becomes. 3. The ingredients are all pre-adjusted, and they are more delicious at the end. After cooking for a long time, the fragrance will disappear.
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蔬菜(木耳,土豆,菜花,豆角等自己爱吃的菜)焯水煮熟捞起来,荤菜(鸡腿鸡翅虾牛肉片培根火腿啥的)煎熟,另起油锅,炒香葱姜蒜洋葱,下灯笼椒花椒麻椒,豆瓣,炒出红油,下荤菜,炒啊炒,下素菜,炒啊炒,炒匀了加半小包麻辣香锅底料(王家渡这款里面有两小包,一次只要半小包就够了,前面毕竟有豆瓣辣椒花椒啥的,比放整包好吃)炒匀,撒香菜和熟芝麻。 注意 1.菜都要事先煮熟。不然一大锅受热不均匀,素菜烂了,荤菜没熟。美国的炉灶,火不行。 2.豆瓣花椒麻椒不能少。味道才足。 3.调料包虽然香,但是放多了就齁得很,吃了容易口干。而且越吃越觉得没味。 3.料包都是事先调的,最后再放更好吃一点,这种配好了的,煮久了香味就跑了。