Homemade Italian vanilla bean gelato

If you love ice cream, it is better to make it at home. The recipe is easy!

First you have to have an ice cream maker or like me at home kitchen aidThe food processor can be equipped with aice cream makerIce Cylinder


is some of the materials below:

Vanilla uses vanilla seeds, which should be scraped out separately, so that there are small black vanilla seeds in the ice cream, which is like selling outside!

You can also use vanilla extract instead

Do not boil the milk, add cream if there are small bubbles around the fire

Spoon a spoonful of the slightly warmed milk and cream mixture into the egg yolk bowl, so that it is better to mix without other sediments

Deep dividing lines- After mixing, pour in the egg yolks Return to the milk pot, stir slowly, and then turn off the heat!

Put the plastic wrap directly over the mixture, then placeice cream maker (The white picture below) put it in the freezer, and put the mixture prepared in the picture above into the refrigerator! After overnight, take it out the next day!

Day 2: Fill the ice cream tip and pour in the chilled mixture , mix at medium speed15divided into30 until it looks like ice cream

Take out and place in ice cream-ready container (frozen ), put back into the freezer!

Almost1you're ready to eat!

The taste is the same as the ones sold outside!

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自制意大利 vanilla bean gelato

爱吃冰淇淋不如在家里自己做, 方子很简单!

首先得有冰淇淋机或者 像我一样家里有kitchen aid料理机的,可以配一个ice cream maker的冰筒







深深的分割线- 混合完后,再把蛋黄混合倒回牛奶锅里,慢慢搅匀,然后停火!

把保鲜膜直接覆盖到混合液上,然后将ice cream maker (下图白色)放进冷冻箱,上图做好的混合液放进冷藏!一夜之后,第二天再拿出来!

第二天: 装好冰淇淋头,倒入冷藏的混合液,中速搅拌15分到30分,直到看起来像冰淇淋了

拿出来,放进准备好装冰淇淋的器皿里 (可冷冻),放回冷冻层!

