[Kicked over the bowl of dog food one person dessert] Japan Sanukiya Dorayaki ~ There are four flavors of matcha, strawberry, cream and banana. I tried everything and overall banana is the sweetest and matcha is the least sweet. The cake is moist and soft. The filling is quite enough. ( ⸝⸝⸝⁼̴́⌄⁼̴̀⸝⸝⸝) Even the sweetest banana flavor won’t hurt your throat.
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【踢翻那碗狗粮之一人甜品】日本赞岐屋铜锣烧~一共有抹茶,草莓,奶油和香蕉四个口味。每样我都试了一下,总的来说香蕉味最甜,抹茶最不甜。蛋糕体很湿润,口感绵软。内馅算是给的很足的。( ⸝⸝⸝⁼̴́⌄⁼̴̀⸝⸝⸝)就算是最甜的香蕉味吃下去也不会齁喉咙。