
Happiness❤️Eating for two | Day3 Chongqing noodles where the children next door are crying🍜

 Continue to check in today for a happy meal for two< /span> But in fact, I think this can also be written as a must-have food for a single aristocrat"Good buddy Chongqing noodles"! I just received it today Arrived I just don't want to cook a lot tonight span>Just tried this noodle~Oh my god I have to sigh It's delicious. But why only the west warehouse has the goods, I have never seen it in the east warehouse!!! So today I will recommend a wave to everyone and I will hurry up and stock up.~ 0 span0

 As a Chongqing + Chengdu native span> This Chongqing noodle is really the best I have ever bought Recommended from the heart! And I really feel good buddy The food at home is really delicious I have eaten several kinds of food I recommend it very much!! Although good buddy this Chongqing small Noodle wrap is very simple but the content is just right" Rich"! It has everything that small noodles should have(Red oil bag, mustard bag, soy sauce Seasoning Packs). 

 Good buddy's noodle taste and quality All very good is a relatively thin surface But it won't melt It's exactly the same as the small noodles I ate in Chongqing The essence!! In addition Trust me Have a good buddy seasoning Just a pot You can easily make a bowl of aroma Super authentic Chongqing qualified noodles that are fragrant to the drooling children next door😆!!

 I personally Added some pepper oil shredded kelp and a little lard!! < /span>Because I like the spicy taste very much, the taste will be more Chongqing!!! 🌶Add a little lard first to make the soup thicker and fresher!(But it will be more oily, don't add it if you mind it!🙅) Also I will add some kelp silk kelp silk acid Spicy and sour The spicy and spicy noodles are super invincible! span>Finally, in order to make the whole noodles more nutritious, I added a combination of meat and vegetables Piaoerbai(Pak Choi)It is good to eat more vegetables And I like the crispy texture of piaoerbai Very refreshing! 

(BTW: The noodle I ate tonight with the male ticket was just one bowl Because I bought this wooden bowl from IKEA He didn't😆)


😝 Okay, that's it for today's Grid's sharing I hope you enjoy my sharing Like my picture Bi Xin ღ( ´ < span class="s3">・ ` ) span>Hope you all have a good day 💖

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幸福❤️两人食 | Day3 隔壁小孩都馋哭的重庆小面🍜

 今天继续打卡幸福两人食 但是其实我觉得这个完全也可以作文单身贵族的一人食必备"好哥们重庆小面"! 我是今天才收到的 刚好今晚就不是很想做很多菜 就试了试这个小面~我的天啊不得不感叹真的好好吃啊 可是为什么只有西仓有货东仓我都没见过!!! 所以今天来给大家推荐一波我就赶紧去囤货啦~

 作为一个重庆+成都人 这款重庆小面真的是我买过最最最好吃的 发自内心的推荐! 而且我真的觉得好哥们家的东西真的都很好吃 吃了很几种了 我都非常推荐!! 虽然好哥们这款重庆小面包装非常简单 但是内容却恰到好处的"丰富"! 小面该有的它都有(红油包、榨菜包、酱油 调料包). 

 好哥们的小面口感和品质都很好 是比较细的面 但是不会融 和我回重庆吃的豌杂面的小面一模一样 精髓啊!! 另外相信我 有了好哥们的调料 只要一口锅 就可以轻松做出来一碗香气四溢 香到隔壁小孩流口水的超级正宗重庆资格小面😆!!

 在煮小面的时候我个人加了一些花椒油 海带丝和少许猪油!! 因为我非常喜欢麻辣味重一些口感会更重庆!!!🌶首先加少许猪油是为了让汤更浓一些更鲜一些!(但是也会比较油一点儿介意的不要加!🙅) 另外我会加一些海带丝 海带丝酸酸辣辣的 搭配面的麻辣超级无敌爽! 最后为了让整个面更加的营养丰富荤素搭配 我加了一颗飘儿白(小白菜)多吃青菜有好处啦 而且很喜欢飘儿白脆脆的口感 很爽口! 

(BTW: 今晚和男票都吃的这个小面不过只拍了一碗 因为我就买了一个宜家的这个木头碗 他没有😆)


😝 好啦今天格格的分享就到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 比心 ღ( ´ ` ) 愿大家都有开心美好的一天 💖