#Omnipotent beef horn soy sauce series grilled pork ribs# Saute garlic until fragrant, add 1/3 bottle of soy sauce to boil, pour in 1 pound pork ribs, mix well, marinate overnight. Bake and eat the next day, preheat the oven at 400°F, bake for 10 minutes, turn over and bake for another 8-10 minutes, and you're done. Convenient and delicious~
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#万能的牛角酱油系列之烤排骨# 蒜蓉炒香,加入1/3瓶酱油煮开,倒入1磅排骨里拌匀,腌一晚上。第二天烤着吃,烤箱400℉预热,烤10分钟,翻面再烤8-10分钟,完毕。方便快捷好吃~