The weather is getting colder, and it is most comfortable to stay at home to eat hot pot and cook dramas in winter. Because of Haidilao's activities, he simply stocked up hot pot bases of various flavors. My family and I love spicy food. As soon as Zojirushi's hot pot arrived, we cooked a pot of spicy food. Someone was having a good time and asked to bring hot pot with him when he went to see his mother on Thanksgiving to cook hot pot for the family. I was also drunk thinking about carrying an electric hot pot on a plane. Because his family can't eat spicy food, he also bought all kinds of clear soup pots. I'll leave a comment when I eat.
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天气变冷啦,冬天宅在家里吃火锅煲剧最舒服啦。因为海底捞做活动,索性把各种味道的火锅底料囤起来。 我和我家这位是无辣不欢的,象印的火锅一到货就煮了一锅麻辣空间。某人吃得开心,要求感恩节去看妈妈的时候把火锅一起带上,给一家人煮火锅。想着要背着电火锅上飞机我也是醉醉的。因为他家里人不能吃辣,所以把各种清汤锅也买了一遍。 等吃的时候再给大家上评论吧。