I highly recommend this dry hair towel, I have been using it for a week, and it is quite comfortable and easy to use. As a lazy person who doesn't like blow-drying, this is not better with Dyson. But, with it, it can really get rid of my bad hair dryness. The texture of this dry towel is super soft and comfortable. After using it, the hair is not frizzy and super soft. It took half of the time to dry it with the hair dryer 😂. Moreover, it can be tied up nicely for a handicapped person like me, extra points and extra points!
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超级推荐这款干发巾,已经用了一个礼拜了,相当舒服好用。 作为一个不爱吹头发的懒人,有了Dyson这一点也是没有好转。但是,加上它,真的可以改掉我这不爱吹干头发的坏毛病。 这个干发巾质地超级软和舒服,用过它的头发一点不毛躁还超级软,用吹风机吹干的时间又剪掉了一半 😂。再者,对于我这种手残也可以把它绑的很好看,加分加分!