Recommended super easy to use scrub - PLAN 36.5 Plant Cell Relaxing Body Scrub! I have used a lot of scrubs before, but I have never used it once, and my skin has improved so much. This scrub, I opened it and used it once in the shower, and my skin was extra smooth after bathing! And the body feels very relaxed, long-term use, the skin becomes very smooth and bright. Really love this scrub! Recommend to everyone. Try it once and know it really works.
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yami_featured_image 推荐款超级好用的磨砂膏—PLAN 36.5 植物细胞放松身体磨砂膏! 之前用过很多磨砂膏,从来没有过用一次,皮肤就有这么明显改善的。这个磨砂膏,我打开,就洗澡用了一次,洗完澡皮肤特别的滑!而且身体有感觉的很放松,长期坚持使用,皮肤变得很光滑,很亮。真的超喜欢这个磨砂膏!推荐给大家。试一次就知道它真的很好用。