The sassy and cute shooter ♐ is here to open the box~ As a constellation expert, I was so excited when I knew that Uncle Tongdao and Yami made a joint name. You must know that most of the Sagittarius products on the market are ugly enough. Rabbit bunny~ Back to the topic, I placed three orders this month, and this lazy cancer finally contributed my virgin order~Sahua~🌺🌺🌺 The top one on my snack list recently is Wannianqing~ The taste of my childhood, it kills all current snacks in seconds. The full-bodied scallion fragrance completely brings me back to my childhood~ The second one I want to recommend is also my favorite. Love, taro-flavored energy bar~ It is also very similar to the proboscis king I ate when I was a child~ I will definitely reveal my age~ Finally, I am a milk tea addict. I must recommend this Nitto milk tea. The taste is too strong, completely It's not like the powder comes out~ Finally, send a big Sagittarius sign, can you hit the doll~~❤❤❤
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骚浪贱萌的射手♐来开箱啦~ 作为一个星座达人,知道同道大叔和亚米做联名的时候简直兴奋的不能自己,要知道市面上射手座的产品,大部分都有够难看的,大叔果然是射手的知音,爱死那只浪兔兔了~ 回到正题,这个月下了三次单,这个懒癌终于贡献了自己的处女晒单~撒花~🌺🌺🌺 最近在我零食榜单榜首的就是万年青了~儿时的味道啊,秒杀一切现在的零食,满口的葱香浓郁,完全把我带回儿时的时光~第二个要推荐的也是我的最爱,香芋味的能量棒~也是特别像小时候吃的长鼻王~完了我肯定暴露年龄了~最后就是我这个奶茶上瘾的人,一定要推荐这个日东奶茶,味道实在太浓郁了,完全不像粉冲出来的~ 最后送上一个大大的射手座标志,可不可以射中玩偶呢~~❤❤❤