It's winter, and it's easier to get hungry in the afternoon! How to do? Yami gave me something to eat, so I didn't panic! 😆🍿🍩🍪☕️ It's not just for the uncle's illustration style box📦 to buy it! There are many delicious and affordable snacks you can try~ 1. Want Want Senbei sharing bag boss one bag feels like you can eat forever~ 2. The coffee-flavored fragrance seems to be very good. It can not only pass the milk tea addiction but also warm your hands! 🍵 3. The essential ramen for the army pot🍜 Whether it is cooking hot pot🍲 or noodles, it is an all-rounder! I have to place two packs at a time, otherwise it will not be enough~👀 Double Eleven is coming soon, happy shopping! 🎉🎉
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入冬啦下午更容易饿了!怎么办?亚米让我肚中有粮,心中不慌!😆🍿🍩🍪☕️ 不仅仅是为了同道大叔插画风的箱子📦才来剁手啊!有很多好吃而且实惠的零食可以尝鲜~ 1. 旺旺仙贝分享包老大一袋感觉可以吃到天荒地老~ 2. 咖啡味的香飘飘看评论好像很不错,既可以过奶茶瘾又可以拿来暖手!🍵 3. 部队锅必备的拉面🍜不管是煮火锅🍲还是拌面都是全能选手!一次要下两包不然都不够分哒~👀 双十一马上到了,大家买买买愉快哦!🎉🎉