Unlike Leo, Leo is coming to post a list 🙋🏻‍♀️ The postcard I just received is the fire sign ♌️ super happy der💃 Yami's logistics speed is really amazing, every time it is delivered in two days👏👏👏 The products in Tag 2 are my life ❤️❤️❤️ If I had to choose my favorite three recommendations, it would be Figure 3. The first is Dr. Jart's green pill. I have combination oil and sensitive skin, my face will be red, swollen and itchy from time to time 🤦🏻‍♀️ The green pill is really a savior and has been repurchasing infinitely ❤️ Followed by Yang Xiecheng's sugar-free soy milk The sweetness of this soy milk is just right for me 😋 But Yami is now limited to purchase, so I always use 12 bottles of sugar-free + 12 bottles of original flavor The Chinese supermarket is really far away Finally the yam flakes Really delicious! ! ! This is the third time I bought the snacks that I stumbled upon, which are bigger than expected Read the reviews saying it's high in calories? But a skinny guy like me who can't eat fat isn't afraid at all👻😈 Hahahahaha I feel so bad 🤜🤕 THE END
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不像狮子座的狮子座来晒单啦 🙋🏻‍♀️ 正好收到的明信片就是火象星座♌️ 超开心der💃 亚米的物流速度真的超赞,每次都是两天就送到👏👏👏 图二Tag的商品都是我的本命❤️❤️❤️ 如果一定要选最爱的三个推荐 那就是图三了 首先就是Dr. Jart的绿药丸啦 我是混油敏感肌 脸上会时不时的红肿发痒 🤦🏻‍♀️ 绿药丸真的是救星 一直在无限回购中 ❤️ 其次是杨协成的无糖豆奶 这款豆奶的甜度对我来说正正好😋可是亚米现在限购,所以我每次都是12瓶无糖+12瓶原味 中国超市实在是太远了 我这种手无缚鸡之力的弱女子(?)是抗不回这么重的饮料的🤥 只能麻烦快递小哥哥啦🙏 最后是山药薄片 真的超好吃!!!这是第三次买 无意中发现的零食 比想象中的大份 看评论说热量很高?但是我这种吃不胖的瘦子完全不怕👻😈哈哈哈哈哈 感觉自己好欠揍哦🤜🤕 THE END