I spent 50 knives to grab 2 masks🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ is it stupid! If you like the domestic Butter Bailizhi, the blue butter Bailizhi is really recommended. Although it is not 100% the same, it is the most similar I have found in the United States. UHA taste candy, although I like cantaloupe very much, but this one is more delicious than grapes. I cooked KIKI old vinegar and spicy noodles today. The cooked noodles are a bit slippery like vermicelli, because I don't like to eat too soft, and after three minutes of cooking, they are still very delicate. Not particularly spicy, the vinegar taste is not fragrant enough. Moderately. Just want to complain about the packaging surface of KIKI noodles, Lao Chen is thicker than me 😂😂😂
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為了搶2片面膜拼了50刀🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️是不是傻! 如果你喜歡國內的的百脱柏力芝,藍色的butter柏力芝真心推薦,雖然不是100%一樣,但是也算是我在美國找到最相似的了。 UHA味覺糖,雖然我自己很喜歡哈密瓜,但是這個還是葡萄比較好吃。 今天煮了KIKI老醋辣面。煮好的麵有點像掛麵那種滑滑的感覺,因為我不喜歡吃太軟的,煮了三分鐘,還是挺精道的。不會特別辣,醋味不夠香。中規中矩吧。 就是想吐槽一下KIKI面的包裝表面,老塵比我臉皮都要厚😂😂😂