Super easy salted bean curd recipe: 1. Pour the tofu into a bowl and smash it with a spoon 2. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, chili oil, sugar (if there is green onion, you can add a little), then stir well 3. Mix the tofu into the freshly cooked rice Done~ Although it looks like that, but the delicious food can't stop! It is very suitable for eating when you have a bad appetite, especially for dinner!
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超简易咸豆花做法: 1. 豆腐倒到碗里用勺子怼碎 2. 加入适量生抽、辣椒油、糖(如果有葱可以加一点),然后搅拌均匀 3. 把豆腐拌入刚煮好的饭里 完成~ 虽然卖相很像那啥 但是好吃的停不下来!非常适合胃口不好的时候吃 特别下饭!