Unpacking on Double Eleven, Lee Kum Kee Sauce and Pineapple Cake are the key points~ But what moved me the most was the snacks and toppings from 童年味道! Want Want Senbei is still so delicious that I can't stop, Langweixian feels sweeter, the fried rice with olives and vegetables is still the way I remember it, and the shredded pork with snow cabbage is still so classic < ( ̄︶ ̄)> satisfied Attached is a close-up of the postcard of the uncle
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双十一开箱,李锦记酱料和凤梨酥是重点~ 不过最令我感动还是童年味道的零食和配料! 旺旺仙贝还是好吃到停不下来,浪味仙感觉变甜了,橄榄菜炒白米饭做出来还是记忆中的样子,雪菜肉丝还是那么经典 < ( ̄︶ ̄)> 心满意足 附 同道大叔明信片特写