Would you like to try some fresh pomegranates? Nars' lip gloss, starwoman, star girl~~ Water red, people who are familiar with me should find that I personally love water red! But I can't control the color too red, so I usually paint it lightly. This color is good-looking, high saturation, very colorful. But because it is very pigmented, it will be very red and red if you are not careful! It is recommended that you use a lip gloss on your mouth, and then gently spread it with a cotton swab. Otherwise it will be difficult to paint. Then there is a disadvantage: it is easy to stain the cup, it is best to wipe some off when eating, and then make up later. But because of this, it is more durable.
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yami_featured_image 要不要尝一尝新鲜的石榴呢? Nars 的唇釉,starwoman,星女郎~~ 水红色,熟悉我的人应该会发现,我个人超爱水红色的!但是我本身又没办法驾驭太红的颜色,所以一般都会淡涂。这个颜色好看,饱和度高,非常显色。不过就是因为很显色,所以一不小心就会涂的很红很红!建议,用唇釉在嘴上点一点,然后用棉签轻轻的抹匀就好了。不然很难涂好。然后有个缺点就是:很容易沾杯,吃饭的时候最好擦掉一些,后续再补上。不过也正因为这样,所以它比较持久哦。