The unpacking this time is basically noodles, mainly because I am afraid that I will have no food during the Thanksgiving holiday and want to buy more noodles in case I starve to death. 15% off all this stuff… Alright, let's get started...umm... Commentary? Assessment? anyway... 👏 Master Kong's instant noodles have a familiar taste. If I say that the instant noodles are because of the pickled peppers and bamboo shoots, I would guess if I ordered this order because of the bamboo shoots in it, it would seem a little whimsical to me, but the truth is this... There is nothing too surprising about it. Seasoning taste strong 👏 Pineapple cakes have really fallen in love with me recently. I had a box of things that I opened and didn't post. Inside is a pineapple cake with a slightly hot hill. He really likes the pineapple cakes from his family. The sweetness is just right, especially the big chunks. I will not say that after eating the filling, there are still a lot of skins. The fillings are very delicate. 👏I grabbed the last two packs of Baked Cold Noodles. I have already bought more than 30 eggs and waited for it to arrive. Actually, the Baked Cold Noodles I ate when I was a child are very different from the ones I have now. Although I don’t have a clear memory, in the past, only the cold noodles were on the iron plate. After frying, add seasoning and finally add a lot of vinegar and try it another day. I don’t know if I can find the taste of my childhood. 👏 Knife-cut noodles highly recommended Very Ness, the strongest in wide noodles, cook hot pot or make oil-splashed noodles. The disadvantage is that he has to cook for a long time...for a long time... don't buy it if you are in a hurry, like I wait for him to be cooked, you may eat snacks and you will be full 👏Lanzhou ramen is more looking forward to reading the comments. They all say that the taste of home makes me cry. I also want to try it. Is it very authentic plus? My partner must eat it every time he eats in China. Tell him it's just in the morning when he's going to bed. 👏Hakka Han Noodles I seem to have eaten this noodle two years ago, and I also bought it from Yami. The reason why I don’t buy it after that is that he feels like hot and dry noodles. It’s thicker and a little uncomfortable, but this time it’s a discount, let’s try it
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这次开箱呢 基本都是面 主要是我惧怕感恩节假期没有饭吃 想多买点面以备自己饿死 但是没想到快递到的时候假期过去一半了 而我活的还很好 其次就是返场85折全是这些东西… 好了 开始正式…umm… 解说?测评?anyway... 👏 康师傅家的泡面 熟悉的味道 我如果说是因为泡椒什么笋那个泡面我猜测里面有笋才下的这单是不是会显得我有点异想天开 然而事实就是这样… 没有什么太惊艳的地方 就是调味料味道很强 👏凤梨酥 最近是真的迷上了 我之前有一箱东西开了没发 里面是微热山丘的凤梨酥 他家的真的赞到不行 巨好吃 里面的馅料不是特别的甜腻 是那种恰到好处的甜 特别大块儿 不会说吃完馅料还有好多外皮 馅儿很细腻 皮儿特别酥软 一咬就要掉渣 超超超好吃 我说的有点后悔给host家的俩孩子了 👏烤冷面 抢到了最后两包 已经买好了30多个鸡蛋等待它的到来 其实我小时候吃的烤冷面和现在的区别好大 虽然没有清晰的记忆 但是以前的只有冷面 在铁板上都炒散了之后加调料最后要加好多醋 改天试试 也不知道能不能找到儿时的味道 👏刀削面 强烈推荐 非常奈斯 宽面中的强者 煮火锅或者做油泼面 缺点就是他要煮好久… 好久… 着急的朋友不要买 像我等着他熟的时候有可能吃零食就吃饱了 👏兰州拉面 比较期待 看评论都说家的味道 吃哭了 我也想试试是不是很正宗 plus 我对象每次在国内吃东西一定要吃给我听 就很烦 wtf… 我…准备这个也吃给他听 在他凌晨要睡觉的时候 正好。 👏客家啥面 这个面我好像两年前吃过 也是在亚米买的 之后不买了的原因是他有丢丢像热干面的感觉 比较稠 有点不适应 不过这次打折 就尝试一下