The courier arrived in half a month, super fast, the only trouble is that there are too many things and they are divided into three boxes, and then the three boxes are in three locations, and I even made a trip to the post office for the largest box. On the same day, I met another courier at another delivery point😂, I ran from the west of the village to the east of the village in one day _(:з"∠)_, fortunately, nothing fell, and the ending was still very beautiful 😂 Ps: Because the courier is divided into three parts, there are three courier tracking numbers, so Yamisoft does not directly display the status. When I found something wrong because of other couriers, the courier has actually arrived for a week 😂
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快递半个月就到了,超级快,唯一的烦恼就是东西太多然后分成了三个箱子😂,然后三个箱子分别在三个地点,我还专门为了其中最大的箱子专门跑了一趟邮局,当天又碰上别的快递在另外一个投放点😂,一天之内从村西到村东我都跑过了_(:з」∠)_,幸好东西一件不落,结局还是很美好的😂 Ps:因为快递分成了三份,所以有三个快递单号,所以亚米软件并不直接显示状况,等我因为别的快递发现不对时,快递实际上已经到达一个礼拜了😂