Cheese biscuits are my favorite, but the taste varies from person to person, people who don't like cheese will find it a little salty Tomato-flavored snail noodles haha ヾノ≧∀≦)o Recommended for fans who can’t eat spicy food, but be careful not to put too much tomato sauce in the package, otherwise it will be a little sour. I like the sour and sour taste, so I put it all in every time. The spicy and seafood-flavored instant noodles are recommended by many people. They say that the authentic Bixin ramen is very fresh and spicy. I bought it and tried it. I bought a few other flavors by the way. I haven’t eaten olive vegetable for a long time, I miss it, but I don’t have the brand I used to eat. I don’t know if this brand is good or not. Daojiecha, the famous drink for fat-shaving and slimming, which is completely sugar-free, friends said that it is very effective, but I don’t know if it is effective if I use it myself.
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芝士饼干我的最爱 不过口味因人而异 不喜欢cheese的人会觉得有点咸 番茄味的螺蛳粉 哈哈ヾノ≧∀≦)o 推荐给吃不了辣的粉迷 不过注意番茄酱料包不要放太多 不然会有点酸 我是喜欢酸酸的口味的所以每次都是全放了 合味道香辣海鲜味方便面有很多人推荐说很鲜 辣的正宗比辛拉面好吃 买来试一下 顺便买了几个其它口味的 橄榄菜真是很久没吃了 好怀念的 不过没有以前常吃的那个牌子 不知道这个牌子好不好吃 道地解茶 网红的刮脂瘦身神饮 完全无糖的 朋友喝了说挺有效的 不过自己用就不知道有不有效了