Post a fellow uncle to kill a single in seconds.

3MThe acne patch was put on right out of the box, maybe it was red and swollen without pus. The effect is no effect, the redness and swelling have not disappeared after two days of sticking. Simple acne tips are enough  The big stickers are quite big.

Hot pot bamboo shoots are very tender

 Bought a lot of hot pot and spicy hot pot ready.

This wave of spikes is aimed atIpsathree-color concealer. Because people who rarely get acne have acne scars on their cheeks occasionally because of pregnancy💔 Need to be shaded.

It took a few seconds to make up the order It's a good deal~

💗💗💗  p>

Asher Cafe recommends pineapple cakes.

Crispy skin The smell of butter. A little sour on the inside neutralizes the sweetness of the skin. Eat two pieces at once Sin.


Liuquan self-cooked snail noodles. It is also instant kill.

Because it needs to be self-cooked So the noodles are thinner The texture is thicker than rice noodles. The ingredient package is rich, and there are small surprises with real snail meat. The chili oil must be added after cooking. I didn't put the chili oil later because it was already very spicy.


think baby Utensils Buy in stock Cheaper than Meiya after discount. is relatively small, so I used an ordinary mug for comparison. I bought orange before I think blue looks good too.

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3M祛痘贴一开箱就贴上了,可能是红肿状态没有脓的时候吧 效果就是没效果,贴了两天了红肿都没有消。对付普通冒痘小贴就够了  大贴挺大个的。



这一波秒杀是冲着Ipsa三色遮瑕去的。 因为很少长痘的人因为怀孕偶尔冒痘脸颊有了痘疤💔 需要遮遮遮。

凑单一起秒了一些 超值合算啊~



表皮酥脆 黄油的香味。内里带点点的酸 中和了表皮的甜腻。一下子就吃了两块 罪恶啊。



因为是需要自煮 所以面比较细 口感比米粉粗一些。配料包丰富,还有小惊喜 带着真正的螺肉。辣椒油一定要等到煮完后放,我后来没放辣椒油 因为已经很辣了。


think baby 的餐具 囤货买的 打折后比美亚便宜。 比较小,用了个普通马克杯做对比。以前买过橙色 觉得蓝色也很好看。