Tonight I made pickled beef and used the pickled fish seasoning from Haidilao that I had stockpiled on Yami. It was fast and delicious😋! The price of a pack is more than 3 dollars, which is expensive compared to the seasoning. After all, it can only be made once, but it is really worth it compared to eating a pickled fish outside! Since I was a student, I have liked to buy various seasoning packets when cooking (pretending to be a chef). like 😉 Let me focus on this Haidilao pickled fish (see Figure 4 for details), the pickled cabbage packs a large portion, and it is no problem for three adults to eat one pot! And the spicy buns are separate. If you don't eat spicy food, you can only put sauerkraut buns. I have a star who doesn't eat spicy food and had a great time tonight! This sauerkraut is really sour in sauerkraut, and it is very delicious! There is also a seasoning packet, which is minced garlic oil, and a packet of salted fish powder (you can remove the fishy smell when you marinate the fish fillets, because I don't use this packet when I use beef). In short, with this big bag of pickled cabbage and fish, you can easily make chef-level pickled beef with almost no need to prepare your own seasonings! Super fast!
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今晚做了酸菜牛肉,用了之前在亚米上囤的海底捞的酸菜鱼调料,又快又好吃😋!一包价格是3刀多,相较于调料来说算是昂贵的,毕竟只能做一次,不过相较于在外吃一份酸菜鱼真是很值哒! 从学生时代开始就喜欢在烹饪的时候买各种调料包(假装自己是大厨😂),一方面自己做食材放心,另一方面加了专业的调料包,做出的味道又和店里面很像😉 重点说一下这个海底捞酸菜鱼(具体内容可见图四),酸菜包给的很大份,三个成人吃一锅没问题!而且辣包是分开的,如果不吃辣只放酸菜包就OK,我家有个不吃辣星人今晚也吃得很开心!这个酸菜真的是酸菜里比较酸的,非常下饭!还有附带一个调料包,里面是蒜末油,还有一包腌鱼粉(可以在腌制鱼片的时候去掉腥味,因为用了牛肉我就没用这包)。 总之,有了这一大包酸菜鱼料包,几乎不需要自己准备调料就可以轻松做出大厨水准的酸菜牛肉啦!超级快手哟!