Final..Final.. are all final. Of course, it is a good test to eat and recommend a lazy quick curry cover with sauce. The [Little Yellow Man Pork and Corn Curry Sauce] from Marumiya's house in Japan is the curry sauce that I am looking forward to. So this afternoon's lunch is it. Hehe~ [Preparation]: After the box is opened, put the sauce packet into boiling water and cook for a few minutes. Or tear the package. Pour it into a bowl. Then throw it directly in the microwave and heat it for 1-2 minutes. Then pour it beforehand. On cooked rice. I personally like seafood. So I fried a few prawns and mixed them with curry & rice. When I have time, I usually buy Japanese S&B gold curry cubes and cook them myself. But I usually don’t have time. Hahahaha. So I like to buy the quick and lazy version of the curry sauce. Such a box from Marumiya is exactly one The amount of people. I bought two boxes for 3.99. So the price is still OK. The main curry tastes quite heavy. I like it. The corn inside is very sweet and crispy. I like it💕
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yami_featured_image Final..Final..都Final了.当然是吃饱好考试推荐一款懒人快手咖喱盖浇汁. 日本丸美屋家的【小黄人豚肉玉米咖喱盖浇汁】是我很期待的咖喱盖浇汁.所以今天下午的午餐就是它了.嘿嘿~ 【准备】:盒子打开后把酱料包置入开水中煮个几分钟即可.或者撕开包装.倒在碗里.然后直接丢在微波炉里加热1-2分钟也可以.接着浇在事先煮好的米饭上.我个人很喜欢海鲜.所以直接油炸了几只虾一起拌咖喱&饭. 平常有空的时候我都是买日本S&B金牌咖喱块自己煮.不过平常几乎都是没空.哈哈哈哈.所以我喜欢买快速懒人版的咖喱汁.丸美屋的这样一盒就是刚好一个人的量了.3.99买两盒.所以这价格还是可以的.主要咖喱味道蛮重的.是我喜欢的.里面的玉米咬起来也特别的甜脆.喜欢💕