I have eaten it before, this series is all noodles, featuring mayonnaise (Japanese mayonnaise)! This one is relatively ordinary and delicious. There are three seasoning packets in the dough - a powder packet, a mayonnaise packet and a soy sauce-based seasoning packet. I currently have salt and pepper flavors and mentaiko flavors. The flavor of Mentaiko is very special and fresh, but it is still a little overshadowed by the flavor of mayonnaise! But this one is very convenient, there is a special outlet for pouring hot water, and the water can be poured by tearing off the seal! (I had to poke the hole myself when I was eating turkey noodles...)
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yami_featured_image 之前也吃过,这个系列都是拌面,特色是美乃滋(日本蛋黄酱)! 这款就是比较普通的好吃,面饼里面有三个调料包——一个粉包,美乃滋包和酱油为底的调料料包。 我目前吃了椒盐味和明太子味的。明太子的风味很特别,鲜,但是其实还是有点被美乃滋的味道盖过去了! 不过这款很方便,有个专门倒热水的出口,把封口撕掉就能倒水了!(之前吃火鸡面的时候那个洞是要自己戳的……)