The final with instant noodles 🍜 is absolutely stable One of the most recommended is the red packaging Shin ramen🍜 Not to mention the portion is big, it's addicting enough to eat. Then follow the secret recipe of Xin Ramen on the Internet: Cook noodles with a milk to water ratio of 1:1, then add powder packets to continue cooking, and finally add a slice of cheese to melt 🤫🤫🤫 Ordinary people I don't tell him (it's delicious on earth!) After supper I feel like I can wrestle with my homework for another thirty-six hours
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有泡面🍜助阵的final绝对稳稳的 其中最最推荐的是红色的包装辛拉面🍜 分量大不说,吃起来够瘾啊 再按照网上的辛拉面秘制配方: 牛奶与水比例1:1的煮面然后加粉包继续煮最后加一片芝士融化 🤫🤫🤫一般人我不告诉他(简直人间美味啊!) 夜宵吃完我感觉我能再跟作业搏斗三十六个小时