Lotus root starch upgrade: osmanthus honey lotus root starch! Really super delicious! ! ! When making lotus root starch, I added half a packet of coffee sugar, because lotus root starch is tasteless. Then I add a small amount of hot water in a cup to soak the sweet-scented osmanthus and honey, and the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus softens and merges with the honey, which is very fragrant and fragrant. Finally, pour a little bit of the prepared sweet-scented osmanthus honey into the prepared lotus root starch, stir, and it's done! Super super delicious! Finally, I have googled the effect of lotus root starch. It is good for beauty and digestion. It is good to eat more! Now I have to make a bowl of moisturizing every night after meals.
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藕粉升级:桂花蜂蜜藕粉! 真的超级好吃呀!!! 冲藕粉的时候我加了半包咖啡糖,因为藕粉无味。然后我用杯子加少量热水泡一下桂花和蜂蜜,桂花变软和蜂蜜融合,好香好香。最后把这一点点冲好的桂花蜂蜜倒进冲好的藕粉里面,搅拌,成了!超级超级好吃! 最后,藕粉有什么功效我都百度了一下,不错啊可以美容和帮助消化,多吃点有益!现在晚上每天饭后我都要冲一碗润一润。