This time, it was really good, very greasy. The dates are very sweet, plus the newly added brown sugar and rock sugar, no sucrose The white fungus is soaked and cut off the roots. After boiling, turn off the fire and simmer (I actually went to bed at night after turning off the fire, in fact, it was about 1 hour.) Boil again, turn off the heat, simmer for half an hour, and then change to a low heat. The actual cooking time is actually less than 2 hours. But it has reached a very viscous I used to cook it in a rice cooker for about 2 hours, but the stickiness is not as good as this time This time I suddenly mastered the skills
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这次煮的真的不错,很腻 枣子很甜,外加新加入的黑糖 和冰糖 没放蔗糖 银耳泡开剪掉根部,煮开后关火 焖(我其实是关火后晚上睡觉了,其实差不多1个小时就好)隔天然 再煮开 关火 焖半个小时 再换小火..真实在煮的时间其实小于2个小时.但是已经达到很黏稠 以前用电饭煲煮 差不多2个多小时,但是黏稠感没有这次好 这次突然掌握技巧哩