Let's enjoy the sunset together 🌄 I've been buying this Natasha mini sunset plate for a long time, but I haven't used it yet. Yesterday, I took it out on a whim and put on a makeup, but I didn't post it because it was too ugly (つД`)ノ The whole plate is very beautiful, two matte colors, three sequin colors, the powder is very soft and waxy, which is always good in natasha's house. When I got my hands, I was stunned. I thought about it, and I didn't know how to start... I originally wanted to use three colors, but when I painted, I used all the colors! ...I doodled it casually. I still like it very much. It's so beautiful! It's a bit difficult for a novice, just see how others draw it. This plate is only 24 knives, it seems, it's a great deal~ Bang ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
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一起欣赏日落吧🌄 这盘Natasha的mini日落盘,我买了很久了,但是一直还没用过。 昨天突发奇想拿出来撸了一个妆,但因为画的太丑了就不发出来了(つД`)ノ 整盘很好看,两个哑光色,三个亮片色,粉质很软糯,就是natasha家一贯的好。 我拿到手先懵了懵 想了想,有点不知道怎么下手...本来想着用三个色,可是画着画着就全部色都用上了!...我随便乱画的 我还是很喜欢,超好看好咩!新手有点难,多看看别人怎么画的就好啦。 这盘才24刀吧好像,超级划算了~棒٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و