I recently learned a new curry fried rice from my roommate. When I'm busy, it really saves a lot of time. As a person who cooks very slowly and starts from two hours, I calculated the time and the whole process did not exceed 40 Minute and very fragrant. The aroma of curry mixed with the slightly oily ham meat and the rich mushrooms tasted once and wanted to eat it again 🌝 Proceed as follows: 1. After the rice is cooked, stir in the egg mixture, stir evenly so that each grain of rice is evenly coated with the egg mixture for later use 2. Put an appropriate amount of butter in the pot. After all the butter has melted into water, put the rice in the pot and fry it until it is half dry and half wet, then add an appropriate amount of curry cubes. 3. It's time to test your hand! Continue to stir fry the rice, so that the gradually melted curry cubes are evenly coated on each grain of rice 4. Put in the side dishes (I only put diced ham because I only had ham at home at the time, you can also add diced potatoes, diced carrots, peas, etc.), then add an appropriate amount of curry cubes, and continue to stir fry until everything dipped in curry 5. When it is about to come out of the pot, pour in a proper amount of sesame oil in a circle and stir fry evenly 6. Out of the pot! The taste is so fragrant that everyone who passes by the kitchen will want to hit you 🤣 It is really amazing to eat with porcini! Originally, I thought that the porcini served with rice was a bit salty, but with this fried rice, there is no sense of disobedience and I personally feel that the taste of this fried rice is better every time it is heated because the diced ham will gradually seep out and mix with oil. The rice is so fragrant~
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最近从舍友那边新学到了一个咖喱炒饭 平时忙的时候炒一锅真的超省时间 作为一个做饭超慢基本两小时起步的人来说 这个我算了一下时间 整个过程下来不超过40分钟 而且味道非常香 咖喱的香味混着微微渗出油的火腿肉 配合上味道浓郁的蘑菇 吃了一次还想再吃第二次🌝 步骤如下: 1. 米饭煮好以后拌入蛋液,搅拌均匀让每一粒米饭都均匀的沾上蛋液以后备用 2. 锅内放适量黄油,等黄油全部融化成水以后把米饭放入锅中炒至半干半湿以后,加入适量咖喱块 3. 考验你的手力的时刻到了!不断的翻炒米饭,让渐渐融化的咖喱块均匀的沾到每一粒米饭上面 4. 放入配菜(我因为当时家里只剩火腿肉了,就只放了火腿丁,也可以加入土豆丁,胡萝卜丁,豌豆粒等),再加入适量咖喱块,继续翻炒至所有东西都沾上咖喱液 5. 等快出锅的时候,转圈倒入适量香油,翻炒均匀 6. 出锅!味道香到每个经过厨房的人都会想打你🤣配上牛肝菌吃真的超级赞!本来我觉得那个牛肝菌单配饭有点咸的 但是配合这个炒饭吃就毫无违和感 而且我个人感觉这个炒饭每加热一次味道更上一层楼 因为火腿丁会渐渐的渗出油混合到米饭里 所以就超级香~~