
seaport village

Every two weeks before Christmas, in the United States, whetherShopping Mallor Marketis filled with all kinds of shoppers who are dizzy, all kinds of limited edition sets, discounted goods, < span class="s2">Price TagThe prices above are also falling again and again, and major merchants are racking their brains to please and cater to customers. And this time period is also the peak time for old Americans to spend like water, because Christmas is always filled with gifts for relatives and friends under the Christmas tree. Peace of mind. Just like when we buy New Year's goods and send gifts during the New Year, and coincidentally, the main color of Christmas and Spring Festival is red.

Seaport Village(Seaport Village)In fact, it is a shopping district, located in The seaside, the overall feeling is very southern, lazy and comfortable.

It's just that the exclusive parking lot here is very expensive! We didn't see a parking space on the roadside parking space, so we had to park in the parking lot,

It cost hundreds of Taiwan dollars in parking fees when I took it out! Pretty amazing.

The area I just entered has a pond and a small river extending out. It feels so comfortable! It feels so laid back.

In addition to many cute shops to visit here, the scenery is also great, and there are many places where people can't help but want to take pictures.

There is also my favorite Nutcracker doll store, which has many cute little wooden dolls in addition to Nutcracker.

But the price is very expensive, probably because it is a favorite place for tourists to visit the neighborhood! So I can only shop at will, window shopping.

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seaport village

每年快到圣诞的这两周,在美国无论Shopping Mall还是Market都充斥着各种买昏了头的顾客,各种限量套装、打折商品、Price Tag上面的价格也是一降再降,各大商家绞尽脑汁来讨好和迎合顾客. 而这个时间段也是老美们花钱如流水的高峰期,因为圣诞节总要在圣诞树下摆满了送给各个亲朋好友的礼物才安心。就像我们过年买年货送礼物一样,而且巧合的是圣诞节和春节的主打色都是红色。

海港村(Seaport Village)其實就是一個逛街區,就位在海邊,整體感覺很有南國氣息,慵懶而舒適。






但是價格都滿貴的,可能因為是觀光客愛來的逛街區吧!所以我也只能隨意逛逛,window shopping了。