Today's Lunch: Baked Pumpkin with Salted Egg Yolk, Braised Short Ribs with Soy Fragrant Lotus Root, Spinach in Soup with Preserved Egg Pumpkin and lotus root are really autumn and winter (๑>؂<๑) Afternoon Tea Dessert: Sweet Potato and Chestnut Cheesecake Sweet potatoes and chestnuts are also very suitable. I made the Internet celebrity snowflake cake and sent it to my friends Then I ate the barbecue in a delicious way Let's eat something good meow together in winter!
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今日午餐:咸蛋黄焗南瓜 豉香藕段烧小排 皮蛋上汤菠菜 南瓜和藕真的很秋冬呀(๑>؂<๑) 下午茶甜点:番薯栗香乳酪蛋糕 番薯板栗也是很应景啦 随手做了网红雪花酥送朋友们 然后美滋滋地吃了烤肉 冬天我们一起吃点好喵!