I ordered snacks after Christmas, but I didn't expect to receive them before New Year's Day! happy! 😊🎉 Now chasing dramas at home 🈶 rations! 🍫🍿🍕 Liupo's Qingyou Hot Pot🍲 The base is super delicious, this time I will try his fragrant pot base and see if I can beat Wangjiadu's fragrant pot~ The fish tofu that has been out of stock all the year round 🍢 is finally replenished! Hurry up and buy a box. I usually put two bags in my bag when I go out, so I won't feel hungry and panic~ The refrigerator at home is full of snacks from Yami, so happy! ! ! 🥰♥️♥️
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圣诞节后下单买的零食,没想到元旦前就收到啦!开心!😊🎉 这下在家追剧🈶口粮了!🍫🍿🍕 六婆的清油火锅🍲底料超好吃,这回试一下他家的香锅底料,看看能不能PK的过王家渡的香锅料~ 常年断货的鱼豆腐🍢终于补货啦!赶紧买了一盒,平时出门包里放两袋就不会饿的心慌慌~ 家里的冰箱上堆满了亚米上囤的零食,好幸福!!!🥰♥️♥️