"New Year's Goal Punch Day 1" to reduce sugar and lose weight

In order to continue to buy snacks on Yamibuy.com, I will reduce sugar and lose weight for seven days and prepare some space for gaining weight in the future.

What is Sugar Reduction?

Sugar reduction (sugar prohibition) is a very popular healthy weight loss diet all over the world recently. It is advocated to eat less sugar and more animal protein to improve physical function. In addition to speeding up metabolism, there is not much fat storage. The body will burn autologous fat first. In addition to health effects, it can also develop a physique that is easy to lose weight and areas that are difficult to lose weight, such as belly and legs.

The effect of sugar on the human body

Have you ever felt groggy and want to sleep after accidentally eating a very filling meal? This is how sugar affects blood sugar. Foods high in sugar can easily lead to a rapid rise and fall of blood sugar, which is similar to riding a roller coaster. Blood sugar goes up and down, causing mood swings and stimuli to slip and feel unusually tired. In addition to affecting mood and causing depression, blood sugar can also cause diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gout, hypertension, etc.

Benefits of reducing sugar (sugar no) for weight loss

There are a lot of weight loss methods on the market, starvation, drinking acidic liquids on an empty stomach, skipping meals, etc. are not long-term solutions, the first is not sustainable, and the second is very harmful to the body. 減醣減肥 In addition to being full and diversified, if you can continue to gain weight, it is not easy to rebound and gain weight, and it is easy to lose weight to the parts you want to lose, such as belly, improve excretory function, improve skin condition, improve mood and other benefits.

How to start reducing sugar to lose weight?

First of all, we must rule out the "dinner concept" of ordinary Asians. Rice and pasta are all staple foods and need to be reduced. For example, reduce to only one meal, preferably breakfast or lunch, or skip it. Seeing this, what's left to eat?

Sugar reduction advocates eating prototype foods, all processed products such as sauces, hot pot ball fillings, delicate pastries, instant noodles, fried, beverages, candy chocolates, etc. are included in the fasting list. Fruits are mostly fasted because of their high sugar content, which is stored and turned into fat if they are not digested.

The staple food is mainly based on animal fats, such as chicken breast, lean pork, beef, mutton (white meat is the main food if you want to lose weight quickly), and seafood such as salmon, sea urchin, saury, kelp, etc.

The side dishes are more diverse and can be used with vegetables, such as cauliflower, spinach, etc. It can also be paired with brown rice, whole grain rice, or apples, citrus, and butternuts with less sugar. It can also be paired with eggs and beans such as hard-boiled eggs and tofu.


Because I have seen many successful cases, I will try it for seven days and see how it turns out. The above is today's Chinese food: fried udon noodles with only a little olive oil.

PS: But later I found out that udon noodles are high in sugar and included in the list of less touches. However, I followed the rules for breakfast and dinner today and did not eat starchy or sugary foods. Keep up the good work tomorrow 💪

 (Yami, I still love you very much, I just ran away from home temporarily, waiting for my triumphant return.. 😣😥)

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有沒有在不小心吃了很飽的一餐之後就昏昏沉沉想睡覺的經驗?這就是糖份影響血糖在作祟。含高糖份高的食物容易導致血糖快速提升又下降,與坐雲霄飛車有異曲同工之妙。血糖上上下下導致情緒上下起伏在刺激下往下滑時而感到異常疲倦。血糖除了影響情緒、導致憂鬱,嚴重點還會造成糖尿病、心血管機能病變、痛風、高血壓... 等等疾病。


市面上一堆減肥方法,挨餓、空腹喝酸性液體、不吃飯... 等等都不是長久之計,第一沒辦法持久、第二很傷身體的。減醣減肥除了吃的飽又多元化,如果能持續體重不容易反彈和回胖,而且容易瘦到想要瘦的部位如肚腩、提升排泄功能、皮膚狀態改良,情緒改良等等福利。







因為看到很多成功的案例所以來個七天嘗試體驗看看結果如何。以上是今天中餐:只有少少的橄欖油炒了道烏龍麵 。

PS: 不過後來發現烏龍麵屬於高糖份而列入也少碰名單,不過今天早晚餐是有遵循規矩沒吃澱粉或者含糖食品。明天再接再厲 💪

 (亞米我還是很愛你,我只是暫時離家出走,等我凱旋歸來.. 😣😥)